Top Travel Photo Tips!

By johnWwT
Monday, 11th January 2016
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Top 10  Travel Photo Tips

1) Compose your image correctly. Use rule of thirds. Generally one third OR two thirds is sky for outdoor landscape shots.  

2) Try to keep image simple by not including too much. Less is more.Close up shots.

3) Use leading lines e.g. Paths, walls, fences, tree lines to lead the viewer around your picture.

4) Don’t try to photograph everything o your vacation, enjoy not looking through a lens.

5) Travel Light, the easier it is to be ready and not have to worry about carrying and changing lens etc

6) Make sure you charge and have a spare battery

7) Try to include a feature in the foreground e.g. flowers or fence etc.

8) Look for a different angle or view to make your image standout from the norm.

9) For action shots increase shutter speed to 1/125 sec

10) Make use of good early morning or evening light, increase ISO, increase aperture size or decrease shutter speed to maximize light.


Newgrange sunset